LendingDev S.L.
LendingDev S.L., Nodos Locales Mexico SAPI de CV and Conecting DeFi Limited is the group of companies that created EthicHub and $Ethix. Together they enable a for-profit social enterprise whose business model generates a sustainable positive impact and has a mission to help unbanked smallholder farmers to get out of the Poverty Cycle. It also helps farmers to get cheaper and more accessible financing, and the possibility of selling their crops in international markets.
In the initial stages, LendingDev bears the costs of development, maintenance and promotion of the ecosystem supported by Ethix, for which it will charge a commission on each loan. Not depending on a token sale for financing the project is an advantage for Ethix since there are less tokens in circulation and the selling pressure is reduced. Over time we will work on a DAO to lead and take care of development costs and promote the ecosystem so that Lendingdev can eliminate commissions and focus its business and effort on the supply chain orchestration.
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